Sunday, May 4, 2014 - 0 comments

Modern World System Theory

           Hello Readers ! Thank you  very much for reading this blog, i hope you can get many knowledge after doing that. :D

       International Political Economy (IPE) Perspectives are very dynamic. There is one framework of analysis that only view IPE “from below”, from the perspective of the oppressed classes, the poor, and the developing “Third World” nations. In contrast to mercantilism and Liberalism, it gives a voice to the powerless, this perspective raises issues about human freedom and the application of reason in shaping national and global institutions. This perspective calls structuralism which is a root in ideas of Karl Marx.

            I will not explain about structuralism perspective because in this blog already one article who discussed about that, but I would like to discussed about the recent theory who associated and related to “structuralism perspective”. That is “The Modern World System Theory”, this theory was originated by Immanuel Wallerstein.

“The Modern World System is a world economy : it is larger than any juridically defined political unit, and the basic linkage between its parts is economic”

For Immanuel Wallerstein, the world economy provides the sole means of organization in the international system. He proposed three different categories of nations which are core, semi-periphery and periphery nations. This categories describe each region’s relative position within the world economy as well as certain internal political and economy characteristics. There is an dependency among these nation states to do an exchange.

The Core regions benefited the most from the capitalist world economy. The characteristics of core nations are have strong central governments, extensive bureaucracies and large mercenary armies. International commerce is controlled by local bourgeoisie. According to Wallerstein, the core nations dominate the peripheral nations through unequal exchange for the purpose to extracting cheap raw materials.

The core nations using the periphery as a market for dumping surplus production. The core interacts with the semi-periphery and periphery nations through the global structure of capitalism, exploiting these regions and also transforming them. The core nations usually regulating and determining international market rules. And when the periphery nations try challenging or interrupting the market rules, the core nations will use force or power to faced it. The example of core nations are United States, United Kingdom and the other developed countries.

            According to Wallerstein, the semi-periphery nations were exploited by the core but become exploiter to periphery nations too. The semi-periphery nations are less dependent to core nations. The semi-periphery nations also contribute to stabilizing the world economy system because become one of the capital intensive industries. The core nations usually make the semi-periphery nations become the basis of the production factories because semi-periphery nations have cheap labours. The semi-periphery nations sometimes seeking to be core by using mercantilism principles like collecting wealth to increase the power of that country, maximizing exports and limiting imports. The example of the semi-periphery nations is China.

            The periphery nations are the countries that have big raw materials and  very concerned with agricultural sectors because have large land and fertile soil. The periphery nations have lacked strong central government,the periphery nations have internal problems with the Governmental officials and structure. The periphery nations were controlled by other states through imperialism and international market rules too. The periphery nations export raw materials to core nations and core nations sell the finished product to the periphery nations with a higher price. The example of the periphery nation is Brazil.

So, where is Indonesia’s position exactly? I think Indonesia’s position is still in the periphery nations, Indonesia still controlled by International market and other state, Indonesia have many natural resources but only can export raw materials to core nations not the finished products even we have to but that in a higher price….

            We can’t change the system, but we can change our positions in this modern world system. According to Immanuel Wallerstein Arguments, “ politics is constrained by the economic structures, that strong (core) nations dominate weak (peripheral) one because placement of the nation state in the world capitalist system affects its ability to influence its global roles. So, the solution is we should maximizing our influence to the global economy system, I hope one day our country can be a core nation :D ……….

Noto Suoneto

References :
·         -  Balaam David N. and Dillman Bradford,”Introduction to International Political Economy,Fifth Edition,“Economic Determinism and Exploitation: The Structuralist Perspective”pp 107-132.Pearson Education,2011.
·       -   The Modern World System : Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the sixteenth Century. New York : Academic Press
·     - Modern History Sourcebook : Summary of Wallerstein on Modern World System Theory. Retrieved on
·         Picture “ Modern World System Map” by
·         Picture “ Wallerstein’s World System Theory Model” by
·         Picture “ Immanuel Wallerstein” by
·         Picture “ Cities in Economic Expansion and Current Crisis of the Modern World System “ by

Friday, May 2, 2014 - 0 comments

Confronting Neo-Imperialism in Indonesia with Neo-Mercantilism Policies

In this globalization era, relations among countries binding up very easy, it is occurred in many aspects such as telecommunication, political, mobilization, transportation, social culture and of course in economic aspects.

Nevertheless, this widen openness make countries in the world become interdependence especially in economic sector. Countries (developing and poor) that don’t have capability to produce goods like to import that goods from the developed countries. This is happened too in Indonesia, the glower of foreign products seen very easily. Imported and Branded products from foreign companies excessively use by majority of Indonesia’s society, like transportation products (Yamaha, Honda), Communication products (Samsung, Apple) , Food and Beverage    ( Danone, Coca Cola) and many more.

Those things can be said as “neo-imperialism” , this new kind of colonization did by countries that have big influence and capability in world trade sector.

Neo-imperalism can be define as a new way to exploit or control other country without have to occupy them, the core nations (Developed countries) like United States and Japan will make the periphery nations( Indonesia) depends on them through financial,production and trade structures throughout the world. Neo-imperalist state doesn’t need military tools to subjugate and dominate weaker states but using influence or policies of trade and industrial sectors.

Neo-imperalism in Indonesia can’t be justified or neglected continuously, the power of foreign’s influence and Indonesia’s dependence with foreign countries make Indonesian government can’t act properly. As a International Relations student, I think that Indonesia should make policies to increase our capability in minimizing ,limiting even removing foreign imperialism.

            Local Industries should be protected and supported, Indonesia’s government as good as using policies that appropriate with neo-mercantilism principle such as industrial & infrastructural policies (limit foreign investments, steer domestic investment into sectors of economy, encourage high rates of saving, investment in public infrastructure and spend on goods & services produced by the private sectors) also Strategic resources ( steal the advanced technology of another, encourage their national companies to diversify suppliers overseas , and by concessions in other countries).

I wish that new regime that we will decide on President Election in this year can be concern to regulate and manage this country with sovereignty and self-supportness in producing goods even can expand our investments in other countries. Suppor Indonesia !

Noto Suoneto

References :
Balaam David N. and Dillman Bradford,”Introduction to International Political Economy,Fifth Edition,“Glossary- Neo-imperalism”pp 18.Pearson Education,2011.
Picture “ Neo-imperalism by USA” by
Picture “ Foreign Products” by
Picture “ The New Imperialism” by
Picture “ Against WTO” by
Picture “ Who Will be The Next Indonesian President” by