In this globalization
era, relations among countries binding up very easy, it is occurred in many
aspects such as telecommunication, political, mobilization, transportation,
social culture and of course in economic aspects.
Nevertheless, this
widen openness make countries in the world become interdependence especially in
economic sector. Countries (developing and poor) that don’t have capability to
produce goods like to import that goods from the developed countries. This is
happened too in Indonesia, the glower of foreign products seen very easily.
Imported and Branded products from foreign companies excessively use by
majority of Indonesia’s society, like transportation products (Yamaha, Honda), Communication
products (Samsung, Apple) , Food and Beverage ( Danone, Coca Cola) and many more.
Those things can be said
as “neo-imperialism” , this new kind of colonization did by countries that have
big influence and capability in world trade sector.

Local Industries should be protected
and supported, Indonesia’s government as good as using policies that
appropriate with neo-mercantilism principle such as industrial &
infrastructural policies (limit foreign investments, steer domestic investment
into sectors of economy, encourage high rates of saving, investment in public
infrastructure and spend on goods & services produced by the private
sectors) also Strategic resources ( steal the advanced technology of another,
encourage their national companies to diversify suppliers overseas , and by
concessions in other countries).
I wish that new
regime that we will decide on President Election in this year can be concern to
regulate and manage this country with sovereignty and self-supportness in
producing goods even can expand our investments in other countries. Suppor Indonesia !
Noto Suoneto
References :
Balaam David N. and Dillman
Bradford,”Introduction to International Political Economy,Fifth Edition,“Glossary-
Neo-imperalism”pp 18.Pearson Education,2011.
Picture “ Neo-imperalism by USA” by
Picture “ Foreign Products” by
Picture “ The New Imperialism” by
Picture “ Against WTO” by
“ Who Will be The Next Indonesian President” by
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