Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 0 comments

Are You Made in China?

Are You Made In China?

            Hello smart readers, Welcome back to our blog, it is me Ivan… How is your day? Today’s weather in Jakarta is a bit harsh, so I hope you all take care of your healthy and your safety okay… 
            So, on this opportunity,I want to discuss and write how China products invade the nowadays global economy.  Do you guys remember the film titled Armageddon? On that movie, one of the actor said that “Only God created heaven and hell, and In the middle are all made by China.” Do you all realize how China products now really invade us? If some of us state that Chinese products are imitation or unqualified, you are totally wrong. Have you  guys pry your phone, even your phone is Korean, Finlandian, or even Canadian, look at the battery, where it made in?  
We cannot avoid again that China has invaded us, even United States has to confess it. According to  IMF, World Bank 2008, China has contribute around 5800 USD to World’s GDP on 2005.
On the other hand, the facts that according to Harris Poll showed that the most threat that could kill european economy sectors is China on the first poll. China got 31% responded, which above South Korea and even Iran. As we can see that data, we can be really sure, How Chinese products really envolve to our  economy system. China has become the most essensial drill to energise our economy machine. But why China?
            Based on the history behind, they were the rising Era of China which pioneered by Hu Jintao, on that era, Hu Jintao pushed all the development on every sectors especially economy to make China stregthen and also make China could be a great country. On the other side, some people believe that, the some of Chinese policy such as TVe (the policy to develop the industry in small village in China), On 1960, there were only 117 thousand and since the reformation 1978, the total has increaed to around 1,52 million. TVe is Township and village enterpreneur, to develop all the villager to get enterpreuneship.
            The other reason, why China could be this great is the diplomacy system. China has become a positive respond and image for some regions in the world for the followship to solve some problem such as security and also poverty development.
            That’s all about today’s article. So are u made in China too? Have a great day, and good luck!
Ivan Gunawan
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