Wednesday, March 12, 2014 - 0 comments

The Change of Our World Economy


            The changes that occurred in our world, both in terms of culture and economy is inseparable from globalization. Cited from Merriem-webster dictionary, Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets. And according from thatexplanation, Globalization was not be denied again has happened in our world. Because there are many real examples of an increasingly integrated global economy marked by free trade, free flow of capital, and cheap foreign labor markets.
            Free trade itself is a policy between nations about trading without much rules in import and export within the nations. The WTO is one of the many examples of globalization in terms of free trade. The WTO is an organization consisting of its members in matters of international trade. WTO followed by 158 countries who follow regulations as well as international meetings held by the WTO. Already it is clear that the WTO is a real example of globalization because it was followed by many of the countries that will be interconnected in trading activity. Free flow of capital is also a tangible form of globalization in the world economy, as everyone from different countries can play their share in the international world. Does the money flow occurs on a global scale that are influential in the world economy.
            In addition, the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets are also evident in the present era. For this one, I am rather against it. Because of cheap foreign labor markets are very detrimental to those who work as laborers but very lucrative for owners of companies that use their services. It also became a controversy when a documentary that lifts the story of one Labour's clothing products from United States. The documentary tells the story of the workers who are unfairly treated by the company such as hours of work that greatly exceeded the maximum hours of work and wages that are below average. In this documentary, they also reviewed that the price of clothes that were later sold for very high compared to the wages of the workers. This is one of the consequences of globalization.
            And ofcourse, i believe in the existence of globalisation in the world nowadays. And globalization are indeed provide an advantage for all countries, but not the possibility that globalization harmful for some countries. On my own thinking, globalization is pretty unfair for developing countries, because sometimes they like less effort in maximazing  their resources and instead letting other countries take advantage of their resources. As an example that occurred in Indonesia, Freeport is an American owned company located and take Indonesia's natural resources (copper and gold). But Indonesia itself is only have a slight profit. All this happened because Indonesia as a developing country  who can’t cultivate its own natural resources and in the end resulting other countries taking over. However, globalization could also be a profitable thing when developed countries help developing countries in terms of trade, when the countries involved trading are complementary to each other and not self-centered.

            As a conclusion, first I believe the existence of globalisation in the world both in terms of culture and economy. Second, there are alot of real forms of globalization that has occurred in our world. Third, globalization can be good or bad, it all depends on each country's action.
 By :Stephanie Diani


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