Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - 0 comments

Depedency Theory

Depedency theory is a school of though that developed by Raul Prebisch. Wallenstein in late 1960s. Depedency theory is focusing on the deviding classes of the economic system in the world. Depedency theory is a theory that born from the thought of Structuralism. On depedency theory, they believed that the countries in our world is devided into 2 classes. The first one is Core and peripheral country which both of them are dependent of each other.
Core country is a country that doesn’t have a resources such as natural or human sources but they have capital, and also technologies. Core country is the main of the system. It works the system and also it pays for the system. For example. United states put the modal in India for producting the spicies. Core country is like that. They paid and put the modals to the peripheral country and got the advantages from it. The countries that included on core are such as United State and China.
Pheripheral country is the resources country. The country which provided all the resources that the core country needs. They don’t have the capital, modals and also technologies. That’s why they need core country for them to sell it.
On our class discussion, I asked our lecturer, Is a pheriperal country could move to the country? And the answer is yes. There is a country that could become a country country, for example China.  Country could move to the core, depend on how could they develop the country on the economic sectors, how the increasing of the modals, and a lot how could they invented the technologies.
By seeing this, the conclusion is that depedency theory is focusing on the dependency of all of the countries. The core and the peripheral could contribute to each other so it makes the stabilization and also the balance of the economy. Stabilization and depedency of countries is the key of the depedency theory.

Stanislaus Ivan Gunawan.


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