G20 and The Effectiveness

Whats up!!! How is ur day goin???
Whats up!!! How is ur day goin???
Today, I
think I want to explain and discuss about the effectiveness of G20. We know
that our country, Indonesia is one of the member of G20. But do you guys know
really about G20, and how are the effectiveness to our country and the
contribution to our world?
G-20 is a economy organization that consisted of 20 ministers of some countries around the world. The 20th countries are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States—and
the European Union.
The G-20 Summit was
created as a response both to the financial crisis that happen in2007-2009 and
to a growing recognition that emerging countries were
not adequately included in the core of global economic discussion and
By becoming the member
of G20, Actually Indonesia gets some opportunities of G20 regulation. There are
some advantages for Indonesia :
becomes the Financial Stability Forum member, which become the standard of body
setting for the economic and financial system.
gets DDO (Defered Drawdown Option) from World Bank. Which it means that the
program is focusing on social gap elimination and also poverty.
capital will be increasing and also developing to become the competitor in the
will get helped by the core country such as USA or China for the financial
problem and economic issues in Indonesia.
There are a
regulation in Indonesia for protecting the economic macro and micro and also
the protection for migrant workers.
But on the other hand, some of Economy
analysis and also experts are pessimistic of G20 effectiveness for Indonesia.
Some of experts said that G20 regulation and also forum is not really effected
good for Indonesia’s economy, The weakness of Rupiah is one of the major
But as a country, may we see
that the entering of Indonesia to G20 as a new member is one of the great
evidence that our economy is growing and also developing. The government should
take a great action to seeing and taking the opportunity to this chance for
Indonesia to a better future for all of us.
That is a short review of
G20 effectiveness. Thanks!!!
Stanislaus Ivan Gunawan
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